Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Monday 10th July - Brig

(John spent an hour sat in me until 2AM when the rain stopped and he could mop out his leaking tent.)

Others deemed today a tourist day so us cars got a bit of a rest for the morning.

They got a cable car up to the local peak, had a look around at the views and a hot chocolate. All very out of season, everything here is geared​ around skiing. Bit of mountain biking and extreme scooters, but that's about it.

Back down on the cable car, then tram to Villars for pizza. A bit of tat shopping and they returned.

We all then wound our way back down to the valley, brakes working overtime,  then headed eastwards, through a collection of industrial estates and market gardens strung out along the river flowing through the valley.  Hit one town at 5PM and it was traffic madness for half an hour. Add to that the temp of 33+ and we all struggled in one way or another. We could see dark low clouds at the end of the valley ahead of us.

Rolled into the campsite in Brig just after a storm had passed over. First impressions were not good - directly under a busy flyover, but actually the noise from the adjacent waterfall drowned out any traffic noise and the site was very clean and the attendants helpful. 

First storm hit whilst John, James and Cassie had walked into town. Right above, squally wind and rain lashing down forced them in to a bar for drei bier bitte.

Another wild storm hit after returning to camp, John has learnt though and has put his tent up under the tarp shelter just in case.

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