Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Tuesday 11th July - Grindelwald

Left Brig refreshed and we refuelled a little bit down the road. Headed east along the Rotten Rhone valley, where we passed loads of bikes and packs of expensive cars coming the other way. Most gave a cheery wave to our little convoy. Passed through many picturesque villages to Gletch. Where we turned left and were confronted by a wall of zig-zags - the Gimselpass.

Took our time going up, quite slow but not that slow. I even overtook something - a 1930s coach trundling its way up.

Great views as we topped out at the head of the pass back down the Gimselpass, but also towards the Furkapass.

After a nice cooling down break, time to drop down the other side. Quite sweeping drops that challenged the brakes. After over a thousand miles and quite a few mountain drops I've think my brakes have finally bedded in. Possibly.

Back down to the valley floor and North side of the lake, Brienzer Zee, towards Interlaken. 

People stopped to swim in the Zee, a bit cold but once in it was fine apparently. John played swim for the ball with a little dog for a while. 

Pitched up at Grindelwald campsite beneath the Eiger. A walk in to town and John thought he'd fallen through a wormhole to the far East as 90% of the people were tourists bussed in. Shop fronts and even the supermarket shelves were in kanji. Prices massively inflated accordingly.

Excellent chilli made by Ethan's Grandpops (Dave) rounded a fantastic day off well.

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