Thursday, 13 July 2017

Wednesday 12th July - Jungfrau

A whole day off for us cars as people declare another tourist day and do various things around Grindelwald.

Dave decides to kick back and have an easy day. Kev, Anna and Jeff go of and do various adrenalin junkie things - mostly involving plummeting down hill in various forms.

John, James and Cassie go for the trip up the Jungfrau. John's not that happy as it means setting an alarm, whilst on holiday, to get up early to catch the first train 

As it happens the early start was a good move on many fronts. The train was substantially cheaper, Jungfrau was relatively empty when they got there, and the weather was the best of the day with clear skies and views. 2 hours, and a few train arrivals later and things were very different. 

Worn hole opened and we were suddenly surrounded. A walk out on the snow, a bite for brunch, then a quick trip around the rest then we decided to get out of there before we got too annoyed. Nipped for the train, exit via the gift shop (of course) where John found the must ridiculous piece of tat ever. And John is a connoisseur of tat. (23CHF=23GBP).

They decided to walk down from where you have to change trains anyway.  A lovely walk down through Alpine meadows filled with flowers, butterflies, cows with bells etc. Your archetypal Swiss chocolate box landscape. I think the walk was longer than they thought - a 1km vertical drop for a start.

Evening dinner was the last 'Chuck Masala' curry for the trip.

Pictures show the 0725 Grindelwald Grund commuters, and the tat.

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