Friday, 7 July 2017

Friday 7th July - Biere

Left Besancon, crossed the river and immediately started climbing upwards steeply.

Down to low range fur a bit when someone coming down hill wouldn't give way so I had to stop, making it hard work to start on a step slope.

Topped out and a nice run through a high plateau and then a gentle climb to peak of at 950m. Still in France at this stage, but after a hot stop in a town for fuel we headed for the Swiss border. 30 degrees the pharmacy sign said. Creeping along in lunchtime traffic temperatures rising, kangarooed fur a bit as the petrol vaporisation problem reoccurred. Over after a few bouncy seconds and then, thankfully, road opened up, emptied and all our temperatures came down again.

After the border crossing in to Switzerland, where the guards just waved us through, a bit of gentle climbing, we stopped for a brief lunch stop by a lake. Looked inviting enough to jump in fur a swim until you looked closely. Short drop through a forest, twisty empty roads, memories of Norway, then turn a corner and suddenly, there in front  is a full high Alpine panorama.  

Stay up on the plateau for run in to Biere where the series land rover event is being held.

A couple of hours later and the other two cars join us, so now the team is complete. Catch up over the buffet of local specialities - mainly cheese, and odd meats.

Lots of series land rovers here. Some very smart, and a lot have been pampered and trailered here​ rather than make it under their own steam.

Although there​ will be days out, we are going to be here for a few nights so the big tents are up.

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