Saturday, 8 July 2017

Saturday 8th July - Biere

Quite a lazy day for all today, but a relatively early start. Breakfast (more cheese) then lined up to start the green lane. Up in to the hills above Biere. Mainly up through forest tracks to viewpoints overlooking lake leman. Road ran out and everyone had to walk onwards  to main viewpoint at a mountain hut at 1520m where there were some alpine horns being played and a very small glass of wine served. Good panorama of the Alps, but a little hazy as looking southwards. Couldn't make out Mt. Blanc.

Jeff had a go at the horn before we all pushed onwards. Lunch of sausage and mash in another Alpine meadow,  cheese for dessert was refused by some,. Then we had some more forest trails, some really quite steep, back down to Biere.

Lots of fellow series Land Rovers here. Various states, from better than new to well used/abused. Most have their own modifications to make then useful for whatever they've been used for, or just for touring around.

I had a play on the tank playground. Up and down some very steep climbs that immediately dropped off the other side. Good fun, but I got a bit hot. Spectacular forked lightning in the distance forced John to take my big aerial off​, but it never arrived with us and it stayed humid. Washed down with a fire hose after play, more Opheers mud cake off with the Biere mud.

Evening spent chatting and plotting onward journey. Doesn't seem too​ bad to me, but I suspect there will be a fair amount of climbing involved having seen those mountains.

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